Sunday 6 October 2013


          “BI NNKA BI”
                                       “No one should bite the other”
                                         Symbol of peace and harmony.

        This Adinkra symbol cautions against provocation and strife. The image is based on two fish biting each other`s tails. How many Asians know about the Adinkra symbols of the Africans which include “bi nnka bi”, illustrated above. These symbols, originally created by the Akan of Ghana and the Gyaman of Cote d`Ivoire represent concepts and philosophies about life. It also carries key messages which serve in governing social behaviour and ensuring co- existence. 

Is it not amazing to know that the core of Confucius` message could be summarised by this African Adinkra symbol? The Ancient Chinese philosopher and social reformer, Confucius, did indeed project these same important values of human existence aimed at ensuring social cohesion. It is therefore not surprising that in 1995, at a Nobel Prize ceremony in Paris, a Swedish physicist opined that “If man wants to survive the 21st century, he must return to 25 centuries ago and draw on the wisdom of Confucius”.

In today`s turbulent world, marked by strife, and social fragmentation, what kind of wisdom could we draw from the life and legacy of Confucius? One of the precepts that the Confucian wisdom preaches is harmony among people. As Confucius wisely stated, 

“The superior man is in harmony but does not follow the crowd. The Inferior man follows the crowd but is not in harmony”.

Being in social harmony does not mean conforming to a social trend or losing one`s self-identity in the wave of group living. It simply means being able to co-exist peacefully regardless of differing opinions. Inferior men, as Confucius points out, cannot live in harmony even though they may have common ideas and interests.

If we take a global perspective, in today`s world, various countries, nations and ethnic groups have different values, but all the peoples of the world must aspire towards living together harmoniously rather than resorting to war and violence at every turn.

In the present world where more and more Asians are found in Africa and more Africans have moved to Asia, one unchanging recipe to development is social harmony and this central idea of Confucianism still retains a power and a force that give them relevance to people`s existence even today. Indeed Confucius says – “Bi nnka bi” and it is up to us to put into practice this simple message of harmony.

AfriqAsia Merge –
                        …Bridging the gap, embracing the differences.


                                            - AfriqAsia Fabric of peace -

和   平
    Hépíng -    Chinese character for peace.